Three Of The Lesser Known Benefits Associated With Mobile Windshield Repair Services

24 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog


When there is a crack or chip present on your windshield, it is important that you have the chip or crack repaired as quickly as possible. A repair involves injecting the crack or chip with resin, helping to seal it so it does not grow in width or length. If you need a repair, many windshield companies offer mobile repair services, meaning they come to you. There are many benefits associated with mobile windshield repairs. While you likely know that convenience is a major benefit, you may be unaware of what the other benefits are. Here are three of the lesser known benefits associated with mobile windshield repair services. 

You Don't Risk Further Damage While Driving

One of the benefits of a mobile repair is that you don't run the risk of damaging your car when driving it. If you drive your car with a cracked windshield, there is always a possibility that you can hit a pothole or a speed bump, causing the windshield to bounce or move and the crack to grow rapidly. When you park your car at your house and wait for a technician to come to you, you don't run the risk of this damage. 

The Repair Has Time to Cure

Another benefit associated with mobile windshield repair services is that the repair has time to cure or harden before you drive your car. Following a repair, it is recommended that you avoid driving your car for as little as possible the first few hours to allow the resin to sit and harden. When you take your car to a repair shop, you have to drive your car home after the repair is made. This doesn't give the repair as much time to harden as it truly needs. Many repair shops use heat or lights to speed up the process, but time is truly the best option. Having the repair made at home and then allowing the repair to cure helps ensure the repair holds in the future.  

You Keep Debris Out of the Crack

The last benefit to using a mobile windshield repair service is that you can help minimize the amount of dirt, dust and other debris that gets into the crack by keeping the car parked in your garage or under a carport. The more you drive the car with a crack or chip, the more likely it is that dirt or dust will enter the crack. Unfortunately, this can cause the resin not to properly adhere. Parking your car and waiting for a technician to come to you keeps the chip or crack as clean as possible, maximizing the chances of the repair being successful. 

There are many benefits associated with mobile windshield repair services. If your windshield is chipped or cracked, contact a repair service today to find out if they offer mobile services and whether you qualify for this service.