Why You Should Always Seek Professional Auto Glass Repair

25 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Broken windshields are nothing to take lightly. If your windshield is cracked or chipped, it is far more vulnerable to further damage, including complete breakage. Since your windshield forms a key component of your car's structural stability and safety, you need to take this seriously. However, that doesn't mean that you should try to replace the windshield yourself just to get it done. Here are some of the reasons why you should reach out to an auto glass repair shop instead of trying to replace the windshield yourself.

Leaks Are Hard To Avoid

Installing a windshield on your car is a fairly precise process. If you don't get it just right, you're going to end up with air and water leaks that can leave your car vulnerable. There are so many different things that can cause leaks, too. For example, once you remove the old windshield, you have to scrape out any old silicone sealant and completely clean (and dry) the windshield channel. Any debris or rust in that channel will prevent the new silicone sealant from curing, which causes leaks. In addition, if you don't get the silicone sealant completely consistent around the windshield frame, that can lead to gaps that cause leaks as well. Finally, if the windshield isn't properly positioned, it can cause a gap around the edge that leads to leaks.

Windshields Are Hard To Handle

Another common problem with self-installation of a windshield is how large and awkward they are. You're basically handling a large piece of glass, and one wrong movement with it can break it. Windshields aren't cheap, so you don't want to risk wasting your investment by breaking it before you can even get it installed. You might think that it's not that easy to break a windshield, but before it's installed, one wrong shift or twist on one side could cause it to crack. Windshields rely partially on the stability of the windshield frame to provide strength and durability.

Technology Gets In The Way

Windshields these days aren't like they used to be. It used to be that windshield glass was just that: glass. Now, it's glass with all sorts of electronic and computerized sensors throughout it for different functions. These windshields need to be precisely and properly installed for all of those features to work the way that they are supposed to.

It can be difficult to deal with that additional consideration along with trying to position your windshield glass and seal it. That's why it's often best to take it to a glass repair shop instead of trying to do the work on your own.

Environment Is A Consideration

One thing that many people don't consider is how the weather and environmental factors can affect a windshield installation. When you take your car to an auto glass repair shop, the work is typically done inside the garage, where the environment is controlled. This helps to ensure that the temperature and humidity levels are within a safe range for the windshield replacement. If you try to do the new windshield installation while it is too humid outside, the sealant around the windshield channel won't cure the way that it's supposed to due to the excess moisture in the air.

Likewise, if you try to install the windshield while it is too cold, the silicone could freeze before it cures, rendering it essentially useless for protecting your windshield. This is a serious concern, because it makes the windshield glass vulnerable to leaks as well as simply falling out of place.

Talk with a local auto glass repair shop for more information today.